A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Own Moded App

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Own Moded App

I can help you with creating modded apps for Android. Modded apps are customized versions of existing apps that provide additional functionality and unlocked features not available in the original version. To create modded apps, you need to decompile the original APK file, make code modifications, and then recompile it into a new APK. This process requires good programming skills and an understanding of how Android applications are built. Here is a detailed blog post with step-by-step instructions, suitable links, and references on how to make modded apps for Android.

How to Make Modded Apps for Android
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create modded apps for Android using some tools and techniques. Modded apps are apps that have been modified to provide extra features, such as removing ads, unlocking premium content, changing the app’s appearance, etc. Modding apps can be fun and rewarding, but also challenging and risky. You need to have some basic knowledge of Android development, Java programming, and APK structure. You also need to be aware of the legal and ethical implications of modding apps, as you may be violating the app’s license agreement, infringing on the developer’s intellectual property rights, or exposing yourself to malware and security threats.

Required Tools and Software
To create modded apps for Android, you need the following tools and software:

APKTool – An open-source tool used to decode resources from APK files into original files and then recompile them back to APK. It handles smali code, resources, manifest, etc. You can download it from here.
Java Decompiler – A tool that can decompile Dalvik bytecode back into Java source code for modification. There are many decompilers available, such as JD-Gui, CFR, Procyon, FernFlower, etc. You can choose one that suits your preference and download it from here.
Android Studio – The official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development. It is useful for testing and debugging code changes. You can download it from here.
Apksigner – A tool included in Android SDK used to re-sign APKs with fake certificates to enable installation on devices. You can find it in the build-tools folder of your Android SDK installation.
Xposed Module Builder – A tool for creating Xposed modules without needing code modifications if Xposed is installed on the target device. You can download it from here.
Steps to Create Modded Apps
The general steps to create modded apps for Android are as follows:

Obtain the original APK file of the target app or game. This can be from the developer’s website or by dumping it from your own device. You can use tools like APK Extractor or ADB to get the APK file from your device.
Decompile the original APK file using APKTool. This will decode the APK into smali files, original resources, manifest, etc. in a new folder retaining the app’s original package structure. To decompile the APK, navigate to the decompiled folder in command prompt and run: apktool d [APK_FILE_NAME].apk
Decompile the smali files using a Java decompiler. This will convert the smali bytecode back to Java source code for modification. You can use any decompiler of your choice and open the smali files in it. You will see the Java code in a readable format.
Modify the resources and code according to your needs. This is the most creative and challenging part of the process, as you need to understand the app’s logic and functionality, and make changes that will not break the app or cause errors. You can modify the app’s appearance by changing the resources in the res folder, such as images, colors, strings, layouts, etc. You can also modify the app’s behavior by changing the code in the smali folder, such as adding or removing features, bypassing restrictions, injecting code, etc. You need to be careful and backup your files before making any changes, as you may need to revert them if something goes wrong.
Recompile the modified files using APKTool. This will re-encode the modified files back to APK format. To recompile the files, navigate to the decompiled folder in command prompt and run: apktool b [FOLDER_NAME]
Re-sign the recompiled APK using Apksigner. This will sign the APK with a fake certificate to enable installation on devices. To re-sign the APK, navigate to the build-tools folder of your Android SDK installation in command prompt and run: apksigner sign –ks [KEYSTORE_FILE] –ks-key-alias [ALIAS_NAME] –ks-pass pass:[PASSWORD] –key-pass pass:[PASSWORD] –out [OUTPUT_FILE_NAME].apk [INPUT_FILE_NAME].apk
Install and test the modded APK on your device or emulator. You can use tools like ADB or APK Installer to install the APK on your device or emulator. You can then test the modded app and see if it works as expected. You may need to uninstall the original app before installing the modded app, as they may have the same package name and signature.
Alternative Method: Using Xposed Module Builder
If you have Xposed installed on your device, you can use Xposed Module Builder to create modded apps without needing code modifications. Xposed is a framework that allows you to modify the behavior of any app or system component at runtime, by hooking into the app’s methods and changing their parameters or return values. Xposed Module Builder is a tool that allows you to create Xposed modules using a graphical user interface, without writing any code. You can use Xposed Module Builder to create modded apps by following these steps:

Launch Xposed Module Builder and choose the app you want to mod from the list of installed apps. You will see the app’s information and permissions on the screen.
Choose the method you want to hook from the list of available methods. You can filter the methods by name, class, or package. You can also search for a specific method using the search bar. You will see the method’s signature and description on the screen.
Choose the hook type from the list of available hook types. You can choose to hook before, after, or instead of the original method. You will see the hook’s parameters and return value on the screen.
Modify the hook’s parameters or return value according to your needs. You can change the values of the parameters or return value using the sliders, checkboxes, text fields, etc. You can also use variables, expressions, or constants to set the values. You will see the hook’s code on the screen.
Save and activate the hook by tapping on the save icon on the top right corner. You will see the hook’s name and status on the screen. You can also edit or delete the hook by tapping on it.
Reboot your device to apply the changes. You can then test the modded app and see if it works as expected.
In this tutorial, you learned how to create modded apps for Android using some tools and techniques. You learned how to decompile, modify, and recompile APK files, as well as how to create Xposed modules without code modifications. You also learned about the legal and ethical implications of modding apps, and the risks and challenges involved. Modding apps can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but also a complex and risky one. You need to be careful and respectful when modding apps, and always give credit to the original developers. You also need to be aware of the potential malware and security threats that may come with modded apps, and always scan and verify the APK files before installing them. Happy modding!